LS25 / CV and List of Publications
PleaseThe use the CV template provided in the fundingFunding portal.Portal must be used. Please use the following template:"All other calls: wwtf_cvtemplate_project.docx"
- List all items in reverse chronological order.
- For each of the selected publications (max. 10), provide 1-2 sentences outlining the relevance of the publication for the proposal.
- If possible, please also provide a link to a more detailed list of your publications. This may be your institutional website, personal website, an ORCID profile, Google Scholar profile, etc.
- Describe additional qualifications or skills that are relevant for the success of the project. These may extend beyond scientific skills to experience in leadership, supervision, Open Science, etc.
Do not exceed 2 pages for the CV, as the system will not accept the upload of documents longer than 2 pages
Different CVs in case of the submission of two proposals
Applicants have the possibility to submit two proposals. This may necessitate slightly different versions of the CV (e.g., publications specific to the proposals). In this case, the following procedure is recommended:
UploadUnder "My Profile", upload the CV for Proposal Ain "PROFILE" (top menu)- Go to "
MYMyPROPOSALSProposals&andROLES" (top menu)Roles" OnInthis page inthe section "My roles", click on "Principal Investigator and Coordinator" of Proposal A- In the page that
opensopens, click on the green button "Refresh from Profile"
Now,This imports the CV is imported from your profile to Proposal A, and only to Proposal A! A.
Again,Gogoback to "PROFILE"My(topProfile"menu),and delete the existingCVCV.- Upload the new CV for Proposal B
- Go to "
MYMyPROPOSALSProposals&andROLES" (top menu)Roles" OnInthis page inthe section "My roles", click on "Principal Investigator and Coordinator" of Proposal B- In the page that
opensopens, click on the green button "Refresh from Profile"
As a result, Proposal A and B should have now have different CVs.