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WWTF Call Documents
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ICT Call 2025
This repository contains all the necessary information for the ICT Call 2025. Please note that WWTF is currently piloting this way of providing call information to potential applicants. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any suggestions for improv...
Life Sciences Call 2025 - Precision Medicine
This repository contains all the necessary information for the Life Sciences Call 2025 in Precision Medicine. Please note that WWTF is currently piloting this way of providing call information to applicants. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any...
User Guide Funding Portal
Submission Guideline
ICT25 / Call Specifications
This section contains information on the process, criteria, and instrument of this call. It is intended for applicants wishing to submit a proposal in the ICT25 call.
LS25 Precision Medicine / Call Specifications
This document specifies the processes, criteria, and instrument of the Life Sciences Call 2025 in Precision Medicine. It is intended for applicants wishing to submit a proposal in this project call.
LS25 Precision Medicine / Submission Guideline / Short Proposal
This section is a guide to using WWTF’s Funding Portal. It is intended for applicants who wish to submit a short proposal in the Life Sciences Call 2025.
ICT25 / Submission Guideline / Full Proposal
This section is a guide to using WWTF’s Funding Portal. It is intended for applicants who wish to submit a full proposal in the ICT25 Call.
Register & Login
Register Go to Go to “Register” in the top menu Enter your registration data (*indicates mandatory fields) Please note that the person who initially registers must not necessarily be the PI&C of the project. The PI&C and c...
Create a new proposal
Go to “Calls” in the top menu Select the ME/CFS Call 2024 "Understanding ME/CFS" Call Click “Participate now” à a new proposal will be created. You can create multiple proposals. However, please note that each researcher may participate as PI&C or co-PI in...
Invite PIs & enter information about PIs
WWTF requires information only about the researchers in the core team of the project, i.e., the PI&C and up to two co-PIs. Further researchers beyond the core team may also take part in the project, either funded by WWTF or with in-kind contribution in the bud...
Curriculum Vitae and List of Publications
Please use the CV template provided. This is the correct template:"All other calls: wwtf_cvtemplate_project.docx" Do not exceed 2 pages for the CV, as the system will not accept the upload of documents longer than 2 pages List all items in reverse chronolo...
Fill out a proposal
The proposal is comprised of five chapters (each under a tab): Basic Information Personnel and Institutions Project Budget Signatures A chapter with a red alert symbol indicates that it is incomplete. Within the marked chapter, click on the red symbo...
Chapters to fill out
Basic Information This chapter contains basic information about the proposal, including title, scientific disciplines involved, keywords, duration, and type of project (i.e., regular WWTF Project or Joint Project). Fill out fields as required. Please note: ...
Submission of the proposal requires the signatures of the authorized person(s) at the host institutions of each of the PI&C and co-PIs (“Authorization”). Please consult your institutional research services regarding the person mandated to sign the proposal...
Submit the proposal
Once all symbols in all chapters are marked by green checkmarks, the proposal can be submitted. The “Submit” button is at the bottom of the “Signatures” chapter. The PI&C will receive an automatic confirmation email when the Funding Portal receives the complet...
ICT25 / Call Facts
This is a call for cutting-edge research projects that seek to improve understanding of a fundamental question in ICT. Scope of the Call This call is open to researchers from all areas of ICT. Projects should address fundamental, hypothesis-driven resea...
ICT25 / Important documents
WWTF Funding Guideline General Guideline for WWTF funding activities Guideline for Good ScientificPractice Guidelines by the Austrian Agency for ResearchIntegrity Open Science Policy Open Science Policy of WWTF Gender Equality Strateg...
ICT25 / Scope of the call
This call seeks to enable cutting-edge projects that improve the understanding of fundamental research questions in ICT, thus enhancing the international visibility of Vienna’s innovative ICT research landscape, This call is open to researchers from all area...
ICT25 / Submission
To submit a proposal in this call, please go to the WWTF Funding Portal. Important information for your submission Proposal deadline: February 11th, 2025, 2pm CET All core team members i.e., coordinating PI (PI&C) and co-PIs, may access and edit the propo...
ICT25 / Eligibility of applicants and roles in the project
The general eligibility of applicants is specified in the WWTF Funding Guideline (in German only). A project’s core team may include up to three Principal Investigators (PIs). This includes a PI&C and up to two co-PIs. Core team members may share equal ma...
ICT25 / Joint Projects with partners in Lower Austria
WWTF welcomes Joint Project (JP) applications between Viennese and Lower Austrian universities and research institutions in this call. The aims of this initiative are to promote research cooperation between Lower Austria and Vienna on equal terms and to streng...
ICT25 / Content and structure of the proposal
The content and structure of the proposal are defined and specified in the submission guideline. Please register and create a proposal to learn more about the details via our Funding Portal. An overview of the main parts of the short and full proposal is provi...
ICT25 / Evaluation criteria
The following criteria are used in the evaluation. Scope: is the project within the scope of the call? Projects that are not within the thematic scope will be immediately rejected by the jury, regardless of scientific quality. The key criteria in the ev...
ICT25 / Eligible costs
All costs that are directly attributable to the project and are regarded as commonly required in the respective scientific field are eligible for funding. Please also consider your organization’s internal guidelines for eligible expenses/costs. Personnel cos...
ICT25 / Gender aspects in the application phase
WWTF’s Gender Strategy and Gender Equality Plan must be considered throughout the application. Please note that WWTF requests jury members and reviewers to take into account both gender and specific roles in research team composition, as well as gender in rese...
ICT25 / Guidelines for good scientific practice and ethics
Compliance with the rules for good scientific practice, including the observance of ethical aspects in research, is mandatory. This pertains to the application process and, in case of funding, the research work. WWTF is member of the Austrian Agency for Re...
ICT25 / Open Science
WWTF requires compliance with its Open Science Policy. This document outlines the rights, roles and responsibilities of WWTF, researchers, and research organizations.