LS25 Precision Medicine / Submission Guideline / Short Proposal
This section is a guide to using WWTF’s Funding Portal. It is intended for applicants who wish to submit a short proposal in the Life Sciences Call 2025.
LS25 / Register & Login
All proposals must be submitted electronically via the WWTF’s Funding Portal. Registeration ...
LS25 / Creating a new proposal
The Funding Portal will save your entries and changes automatically. You can pause data entry at ...
LS25 / Information about PIs
In the short proposal, WWTF requires information only about the researchers in the project’s core...
LS25 / CV and List of Publications
The CV template provided in the Funding Portal must be used. Please use the following template:"A...
LS25 / Overview of chapters
The proposal is comprised of six chapters, each under a separated tab: Basic Information Pers...
LS25 / Details of chapters
Please note that the inclusion of figures and tables is not possible in the short proposal. These...
LS25 / Signatures
Submission of the proposal requires the signatures of the authorized person(s) at the host instit...
LS25 / Proposal submission
Once all symbols in all chapters are marked by green checkmarks, the proposal can be submitted. T...