LS25 / Submission
ToApplications submitmust abe proposalsubmitted in this call, please go tovia the WWTF Funding Portal.Portal
ImportantAll application information forwill yourbe submission
Proposalvia deadline:this Februarysystem. 11th,No 2025,hard 2pmcopies CETof documents are required.
- All core team
membersmembers, i.e., coordinating PI (PI&C) and co-PIs, may access and edit the proposal. - Only the PI&C can submit the proposal.
- The structure of the proposal and steps for completing the application in the WWTF Funding Portal are described in more detail in the Submission Guideline, which will be made available in March 2025.
- Signatures of the
authorisedauthorizedsignatoriessignatoryofateachparticipatingPI&Cinstitutionsand co-PI institution(“authorizations”) are required in the applicationprocess.process (only for institutions of core team members in the short proposal phase, also for all partner institutions in the full proposal phase). Please contact your institution’s research service in advance and inform yourself about your institute’s internal processes and timelines. All proposalsApplications must besubmittedwritten inEnglish.English.
Details on the submission process can be found in this section.