LS25 / Scope of the call
This “Precision Medicine” call seeksis toissued enable cutting-edge projects that improvewithin the understandingWWTF ofLife fundamentalSciences researchProgramme. questions in ICT, thus enhancing the international visibility of Vienna’s innovative ICT research landscape,
This call is open to researchersresearch fromprojects allthat areasdraw upon precision medicine approaches to improve prevention, diagnosis or treatment of ICT.a human disease.
This “Precision Medicine” call is issued within the WWTF Life Sciences Programme. This call is open to research projects that draw upon precision medicine approaches to improve prevention, diagnosis or treatment of a human disease. Please consider the following key requirements regarding scope of projects in this call:
- Projects should
addressadvancefundamental,understandinghypothesis-drivenof a clinically relevant researchquestions,question by contributing to, or utilising, insights based on high-quality datasets from well-defined patient cohorts. - Anticipated research outcomes should have clear implications for improving the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of a human disease.
- Projects should contribute to understanding of disease pathogenesis or treatment-relevant biological mechanisms.
- Research teams should demonstrate interdisciplinarity across clinical, biological, data analysis and/or engineering expertise.
- Consideration of the role of sex and gender in the development and treatment of diseases is essential.
Within the domain of precision medicine, this call is open to projects with diverse aims and methodologies. The following research directions are considered within the scope of this call. Please note that this is not a comprehensive overview and that all projects must demonstrate fulfilment of the above key requirements.
- Projects may aim to develop
andnovelapplytargetedcutting-edgetherapiesmethodology,based upon understanding of disease pathogenesis andpresentpatient heterogeneity. - Projects may involve the development of novel preclinical models based on patient cohort data to improve understanding of the pathogenesis and/or treatment outcome of a
clearlyhumandefineddisease. - Projects may
rangefocusfromontheoreticalunderstandingcomputerdiseasesciencesusceptibility in heterogeneous populations and seek to contribute to theintersectiondevelopment ofICTtargetedwithpreventiveotherinterventions. - New
(e.g.patienthealth, energy, industry, transport, finance and other societal issues). Proposals should focus on advancing basic knowledge in ICT while laying the foundations for future high-impact applications. Projectsdatasets may befocusedgeneratedwithinor assembled as part of the project, or projects may draw on existing datasets. Should new datasets be generated, demonstration of access to well-characterised cohorts and feasibility of attaining the required ethical approvals in asingletimelydisciplinemanner will be required. Please see the requirements in this call regarding ethical approvals.
Please note that the following projects are deemed to be outside the scope of this call:
- Public health studies that do not contribute to mechanistic understanding of a disease or
betherapeuticinterdisciplinarytreatment. - Basic biomedical research and technology development in
nature.the absence of specific clinical rationale and implications. - Clinical trials of medicinal products.