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LS25 / Evaluation criteria

The following criteria are used in the evaluation.

  • Scope: isIs the project within the scope of the call?call?

Projects that aredo not withinmeet the thematickey requirements regarding scope will be immediately rejected by the jury, regardless of scientific quality. 

The key criteria in the evaluation of proposals are scientific excellence of the project and applicants., Inand detail,the thisrelevance means:and impact of the proposed research: 

  • InnovativeScientific characterinnovation of the proposed research project:project: What is the scientific novelty and transformative potential of the proposed approach? Does the proposed research work meet the highest relevant international qualitystandards?
  • standards?
  • Relevance Doesand impact: How does the proposed work address unmet clinical needs? To what extent does the project showhave scientificpotential originalityto advance prevention, diagnosis or treatment for patients? What are the mid- to long-term academic and innovativeclinical aspects?impacts Areof the methodsadvancements andexpected researchfrom approachesthe appropriateproject? and innovative?
  • Scientific excellence and academic potential of the applicant(s): AccomplishmentsDo the applicants demonstrate the expertise and potential of the applicants to conduct the proposed researchresearch? (Please note that scientific track record is measured byaccording to academic age).age.

Further criteria:

  • Feasibility: Are the timeframe and budget adequate for carrying out the project? Are the proposed resources suitable for achieving the goals? Overall, how likely is the project to contribute to advances in precision medicine?
  • Team composition and interdisciplinary collaboration: Teams should include an appropriate mix of expertise, bringing together researchers from complementary scientific disciplines if required. A clear description of the roles of the individual partners and a clear project management plan must be presented.
  • RelevanceData management: How will research data be managed and shared? Has the sustainability and impact: What are the mid- to long-term academic and societal impacts of the advancements expected from the project?
  • Feasibility: is the timeframe sufficient for carrying out the project? Are the proposednew resources suitablebeen forconsidered? achievingPlease thealso goals?consider IsWWTF’s theOpen budgetScience adequate?Policy.
  • Consideration of gender aspects: The relevance of potential sex-specific and gender-related aspects of the proposed projects should be considered and explained throughout the proposal. Please consider WWTF's guidelines regarding sex and gender in research.

Other aspects:

  • Career breaks such as for parental leave, care duties and longer illnesses will be taken into account in the evaluation of the proposals. Please indicate the time periods in the applicants' CV to allow them to be considered.  
  • For


    Please WWTF’snote genderthat guideline,the pleaseshort goproposal will be evaluated by a jury panel, who will be asked to thisact sectionas generalists when evaluating proposals. In contrast, the full proposal will additionally be evaluated by reviewers with specific expertise in the topics of the proposal. Thus, an appropriate level of scientific detail should be provided at each stage to allow evaluation of the proposal by the respective audience.