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ICT25 / Joint Projects with partners in Lower Austria

WWTF welcomes Joint Project (JP) applications between Viennese and Lower Austrian universities and research institutions in this call. The aims of this initiative are to promote research cooperation between Lower Austria and Vienna on equal terms and to strengthen cooperation of research institutions in the Vienna region.

  • To incentivize the cooperation, the total maximum funding amount for a JP consortium is € 880,000 (i.e., an additional € 80,000 compared to the maximum for thea regular WWTF project).
  • The PI&C must be affiliated to a Vienna research institution.
  •  At least one core team memberCo-PI must be affiliated to a research institution in Lower Austria.
  • The share of the overall funding allocated to anresearch institutioninstitutions in Lower Austria must be between 20% and 49%. In case that the share is <20%, the project is considered as a regular WWTF project and is thus not eligible for the higher maximum funding amount.
  • The Lower Austrian share is financed by the Province of Lower Austria. Hence, the Lower Austrian project partner must comply with the Lower Austrian Culture Promotion Act 1996 and the directives issued on the basis thereof. DetailsFurther details will be regulatedprovided in the funding contract.
  • Partners outside Vienna or Lower Austria are also possible and may request up to 20% of the total budget. However, the share of the budget allocated to partner(s) in Vienna must not be lower than 51%.
  • Regional branches of Viennese Institutions (e.g., BOKU, VetMed, AIT) located in Lower Austria are considered as Vienna-based in the context of WWTF funding activities.

A conversion between JPs and normalregular WWTF projects is not possible between the short and full proposal phases.