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ICT25 / Guidelines for good scientific practice and ethics

Compliance with the rules for good scientific practice, including the observance of ethical aspects in research, is mandatory. This pertains to the application process and, in case of funding, the actual research work.

  • WWTF is member of the OeAWIAustrian Agency for Research Integrity (OeAWI) and processesthus applycommitted their standards for good scientific practice. Hence, applicants must comply to OeAWI standards 

  • In case of suspected scientific misconduct, WWTF will employ the ombudsperson at the applicant’s institution or request OeAWI to investigate the case.
  • Based on the outcome of investigations by the ombudsperson or OeAWI, WWTF reserves the right to exclude the applicants and the application from the involved and future calls.

Project proposals may include ethical aspects that require the approval from an ethics committee/institutional review board. 

  • If the approval from the ethics committee/institutional review board is required for the planned project this must be clearly stated.
  • stated
    • An acknowledgement of receipt fromat the ethicsshort committee/institutionalproposal reviewstage. board  must be submitted with the proposal.
    • The final approval (“Votum”) must be submitted toonline WWTFwith the latestfull beforeproposal. project start.
  • Should it not be possible to obtain a final ethical approval before the juryfull meetingproposal deadline due to reasons which are beyond the control of the applicant, the applicant must explain the reasons in the application and send the preliminary approval to the responsible call manager oncebefore received.the jury meeting.
  • The approval by the ethics committee should be specific for the planned WWTF project.project; therefore, the title of the project should be the same as on the approval (minor deviations are possible). If the title of the approved research differs significantly from the proposed project, a statement must be provided (in the online Funding Portal), confirming that the approval will cover the planned research.
  • If the main applicant for the ethical approval is not a core team member (i.e., PI&C or co-PI) of the WWTF proposal, a clear statement must be included in the proposal, in which a core team member confirms that he/she is authorized to conduct the planned research within this ethical approval.
  • If the planned research is covered by an existing approval, the applicants must submit the extension of the approval (“Verlängerung der Gültigkeit des Votums”). The above also applies for extensions.
  • Non-compliance will result in the rejection of the proposal on formal grounds.