ICT25 / Funding contract
In case of funding, WWTF office will contact the PI&C to draw up the funding contract.
The PI&C will be provided with the necessary documents for the contracts.
- Projects
mayshould startimmediatelywithin 2 months – andshould startno later than24 months – after the formal funding decision by the WWTF Board of Directors. To facilitate a timely project start, WWTF will provide rapid assistance with the contracting process. Projectsmust conclude the latest by June 2026 (no extensions will be granted)The formal funding contract will be signed between WWTF and the host institution of the PI&C.
- In Joint Projects, the host institution of the co-PI in Lower Austria is an additional contract partner.
For universities, this is a project according to §27 of the Universities Act 2002. The institution then authorizes the respective PI to sign for the full scientific and financial responsibility of the project.